Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 2012

okay. so here it is. my first blog. some of you said that if I wrote one, you would read it. beware of what you ask for.

since this is my first post I will try not to offend anyone. oh hell. I will. but oh well.

The election is coming up soon. I have had my obligatory robo calls from mittens and barack. and ann. and michelle. and I had one very very interesting live call from somebody in mittens campaign who started off extremely pleasant until they found out that I was voting for Obama. Then the profanity and racist bigotry set in. "You are REALLY going to vote for that f***ing muslim n-word????"
after I picked my jaw up off of the floor and could catch my breath, the fury set in. nothing makes my blood reach flash point faster than racism, bigotry. stupidity.
My response to this was..."Does Mittens approve this message? I assume you got permission from the camp to talk to me this way????? and more important. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU BIGOTED RACIST WIGGLER??????" end of conversation. cuz wiggler hung up on me. of course when I tried to call the number back, it was a "non working number" of course.

Look. I really don't care who you vote for. I assume you have made your choice based on the facts, NOT because you just really really don't want a black man in the white house for four more years unless it's in a janitorial position...or you really really don't want a flip flopping idiot who can't make up his mind to save his soul in said same white house.
What's important is that you VOTE. This is a chance to make your voice heard. whatever it is you don't like, vote against it. if you do like it, vote for it. just get up, get out the door and VOTE.

Let me tell you why I am going to vote for Obama. I want a president who is going to support my choices as a woman; a president who doesn't think he knows what it's like to be a woman and therefore knows what's best for my body. If you're a man, and you've never been a woman, then you have noooo clue. So don't try to push your agenda on me. I'm voting for this man because I don't want my daughters, my granddaughters, even my grandson to have to start that battle all over again. The women who came before me and fought for us deserve better. I'm voting for this man because I think he deserves more time to try and clean up W's mess. I'm voting for this man because he wants EVERY one of us, men and/or women to have a better life, regardless or sexual orientation, race, religion. And I am voting for this man because he kept his word. got our troops out of Iraq where they did not belong in the first place. Getting us out of Afghanistan where we don't belong either. and if we didn't have such an obstructionist Republican senate, this would not be an issue.

so tell me why you are voting for barack or mittens. or why you're not voting at all. just stick to facts, if you don't mind. try to stay sane on the topic.    


  1. You said it all. Voting straight Democrat because we need to show the Republicans that all the crap they have pulled on the last 4 years will not stand. We need to show then that the country decided all this abortion, birth control and women's rights stuff long ago so they should just back off!

    1. my first comment!!!! from one of my favorite people ever!!!! thank you honey....much love

  2. it wont give me the option to follow... super fail blogspot!

  3. I am sorry. let me work on that.
    I am new to this.

  4. If you read blogs in google reader just go to and click add. Then you can just enter the URL
